
Motorzooming is the sin of, well, zooming. No matter how nifty your wide-range, multi-speed, auto-zoom feature may be, the fact is that on-screen zooms are a dull waste of viewer time and professionals don’t use them except in two circumstances:

Real-time coverage like news and sports, when the need to keep an image on the screen mandates
zooming between compositions.
Situations that require a progressive revelation of the image: The dark figure at the door pulls a sinister tool from her pocket. We zoom in to reveal that it is… her door key!
If you have a zoom lens, zooming is inescapable because it’s the only way to change image size without physically moving forward or back. But plan your shots to eliminate these zooms. If editing in the camera, zoom to recompose your image between shots. If you’re going to edit your footage later, zoom as quickly
as possible between compositions, knowing that you’ll leave the zooms on the cutting room floor.
#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

You should stabilize your footage

Stabilizers are really nice, fam. They can help transform a shakey, unwatchable smear into a beautiful, fluid, kind of sexy piece of digital art. So, if you have the resources to get your hands on one, do it. You won't regret it.

If you don't have the resources to get one, that's okay. There are ways to make your footage look more stable that don't cost any money, including setting your camera on a solid surface, using a string to create a triangular base with your feet, or perfect the ninja walk.

Whatever you can do to make your footage more smooth, do it. Your audience will certainly appreciate it.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #videographer #santafevideographer #Internationalvideographer #filmmaker

You should not shoot from the same angle all the time

It's always good to get a different perspective, especially when filming. We're always seeing things at eye-level, so seeing that same point of view throughout an entire film can get really, really boring. To fix this, just try shooting from different angles. Get on the ground and shoot some worm's eye shots or get on a ladder and do some high angles. You can even go nuts and get an overhead or put your camera in the fridge while your subject guzzles half a gallon of almond milk.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

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This bobcat kitten made my day. I was very lucky to find this playing and be able to film it through a window.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Motor Zooming

You should not zoom so much

The 80s are over, okay? Stop with the crazy zooming. I mean, not because the style but because it'll make it super hard for your audience to know what the hell they're looking at.

Think about it: what were your mom and dad doing the entire time while they filmed your tot soccer games and horrible and long school concerts? Yeah, they were zooming in and out constantly, making your 0-0 tie and the sound of 50 children playing "Twinkle Twinkle" on recorders not the worst thing about watching those videos.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Okay, so you're shooting outdoors. If you don't have additional lighting to put in front of your subjects, don't use the sun as a backlight. For real. You're going to end up either blowing out your sky or underexposing your subjects. It's not a good look and it screams "I have no idea what I'm doing!"

If you have lights, set them up in front of your subject so you can have a balanced that properly exposes the sky and your subject. If you don't, just move your subject so the sun becomes the key light rather than the backlight.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Let's have proper headroom

Okay, so there are rules in filmmaking, gang (sorry, rulebreakers), and one that a lot of inexperienced filmmakers break deals with headroom. What the froomp is headroom? It's the space between the top of the frame and the top of your subject's head. Having too much or too little creates an unbalanced composition, with too much-causing viewers to feel unsettled with the floating head aesthetic and too little (top of the head cut off) causing them to feel claustrophobic. Also, this rule can definitely be broken, but you better have a reason, pal.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Snap Shooting: Record All The Action

Whenever you're getting a shot of some action and you think, "Yeah, that's good. I'm going to stop recording now," just go ahead and keep rolling for another 10/20/30 seconds. Why? Because it'll save your ass when you head into your edit. There's seriously nothing worse than editing a scene and needing a shot to be just a touch a fuggin' half a second would turn a mediocre sequence into a masterpiece. (I might be exaggerating, but I'm also not.)

Let your shots breathe, let them linger, and don't be so eager to stop recording.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Firehosing: Don't shoot everything

I have usually been asked about videography tips to make good videos. But sometimes there are tips for things that you should not do when you make a video.

Firehosing: Don't shoot everything

The cool thing about digital cameras is that they allow you to capture as much footage as you want. The not-so-cool thing about digital cameras is that they allow you to capture as much footage as you want. This strength can also be a huge weakness because many times this leads to filmmakers not having to think very hard about what they're shooting, capturing everything, even if there's no reason or intention behind it.

Don't do this. Plan your shots ahead of time. Think long and hard about what you want to communicate to your audience through your images. Essentially, be intentional.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

The 20 most influential movies of all time

This list is a result of a study that includes box office numbers aren't the only thing that are indicators of a movie's success.

A study from the University of Turin analyzed the way movies have performed on IMDB.

The study focused on whether or not they have been influential for other movies or cultures.

I am impressed to see on this list is that majority of the movies are black and white and made before the 1950s. Something to think about.

20 "Bronenosets Potemkin" 19 "Gone With The Wind" 18 "Dr. Strangelove" 17"Cabiria" 16 "The Searchers" 15"Nosferatu" 14 "Jaws" 13 "The Godfather" 12 "Dracula" 11 "Casablanca" 10 "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" 9 "Frankenstein" 8 "The Birth of A Nation" 7 "Citizen Kane" 6 "Metropolis" 5 "2001: A Space Odyssey" 4 "King Kong" 3 "Psycho" 2 "Star Wars" and 1 "The Wizard of Oz".

From the
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Reasons why you should be using video in your social media

Track Engagement

It’s important to monitor your video’s progression to find out what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. Whether your posted videos are paid campaigns or organic posts, their progress should aid future video marketing endeavors. Most social media channels have analytic features built-in. Whilst views and shares are a good indicator of the popularity of your videos, be sure to pay close attention to click-throughs and that your desired call to action is delivered.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Personify Your Business

Videos are a great way to let your followers see the people and processes behind the business – contributing to your brand’s transparency. It’s a great illustration of the company if you can humanise what you do, after all people do business with people. Behind the scenes videos reveal how you work and create familiarity with the people inside your brand, demonstrating why prospects should want to work with you. If you persist in posting only business-related content, people that engage with you will start to tune out if your content is not diverse, human or entertaining enough.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Opens the Door to Creativity

There are only so many ways you can tackle the photo+caption format. Video, on the other hand, because it is so versatile allows businesses to think outside the box when it comes to their content.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Brand Exposure

Logos play a critical role in serving as a connection point between the company and its consumers, and their use in videos is no exception. After all, you want to ensure that your brand is exposed to its highest potential. Watermarking your videos with your logo is necessary to ensure instant brand recognition, add associative meaning to social media campaigns and build corporate identity and trust, over time.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Reasons why you should be using video in your social media 

Share Breaking News

A study by Hootsuite found that nearly half of American adults interact with companies on at least one social media channel. This makes social avenues a great route to announce and share your biggest news via video. Incorporating video across social media can explain concepts and provide interesting insights into your brand that would otherwise be very difficult to explain. The beauty of shattering your content is that you can keep the momentum going when you’re sharing your news, to have an even bigger impact.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Make The Most Of Trending Topics

It’s imperative to deliver relevant content to your audience. Video gives your brand a voice and allows you to move quickly to take advantage of news stories, consumer behavior, and any kind of relevant content that goes viral. Some of the smartest brands incorporate these real-time techniques to become a part of the social conversation. Many popular hashtags also recur on a weekly basis (such as #WednesdayWisdom) and span across a range of consumer demographics. As a brand, you want to create campaigns that spark conversation, and linking your video to the latest trends is key to doing so.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Unique Messaging

Posting a video on social media isn’t dissimilar to a conversation, you can only discuss one thing at a time. Otherwise, your audience will quickly lose interest. With your call to action in mind, your video should be telling the story that leaves viewers wanting more. If you’re adding something to the video that doesn’t contribute directly to the call to action, you may want to consider removing it. You can re-purpose many of your large video assets to focus on unique messages. If done efficiently, the asset can last for months and you’ll have compelling content for the foreseeable future.

Photo by Fiore: Santa Fe, New Mexico

#FIOREIMAGE #Videographer #SantaFeVideographer #InternationalVideographer #Filmmaker

Drive Conversions

No matter which social medium you are posting through, you should always have a goal for your video. This typically involves user action, whether you’re driving traffic to your site, purchasing a product, or sharing your video. Your call to action is your virtual handshake with your viewers. If they’ve watched a video all the way through, they have demonstrated interest. You then need to direct them to take the desired action, something as simple as “to find out more visit here” may be all that is necessary. It’s one thing to have compelling content, but it’s vital to sweat your assets and drive conversions.

Photo by Fiore: Havana, Cuba

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Search Optimization

All your content should be optimised for search engines and your videos should be no different. Social media channels are quickly becoming like search engines themselves, so it’s important that you make your content relevant. After all, you’ve already got your gripping content. But how do you determine whether you’ll be at the top of the “popular” and “trending” list? Be sure to create compelling headlines and descriptions for your video so it will register in searches, whilst complementing these with relevant hashtags. Twitter offers in depth analytics for every hashtag, detailing key demographics, providing you with a great base to orchestrate your search optimisation. Ensure that you add tags to boost search results across YouTube and Facebook.

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Why You Should Use Video On Your Business Website

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely heard the motto “content is king” to describe the importance of content marketing. And while written content is effective for many audiences, visual marketing is an even more powerful tool to increase interactions and actions.

Forrester Research takes the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” one step further by adding that a one-minute video is worth 1.8 million words. Considering that 46 percent of people who watch a video ad on a business website take action after viewing it, it makes sense to include video in your marketing strategy.

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Ciao Fiore