The 20 most influential movies of all time

This list is a result of a study that includes box office numbers aren't the only thing that are indicators of a movie's success.

A study from the University of Turin analyzed the way movies have performed on IMDB.

The study focused on whether or not they have been influential for other movies or cultures.

I am impressed to see on this list is that majority of the movies are black and white and made before the 1950s. Something to think about.

20 "Bronenosets Potemkin" 19 "Gone With The Wind" 18 "Dr. Strangelove" 17"Cabiria" 16 "The Searchers" 15"Nosferatu" 14 "Jaws" 13 "The Godfather" 12 "Dracula" 11 "Casablanca" 10 "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" 9 "Frankenstein" 8 "The Birth of A Nation" 7 "Citizen Kane" 6 "Metropolis" 5 "2001: A Space Odyssey" 4 "King Kong" 3 "Psycho" 2 "Star Wars" and 1 "The Wizard of Oz".

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